Wednesday Meal

Fellowship Hall 2801 Pennsylvania Dr., Denton, TX

Please join us for our weekly church meals on Wednesdays at 5:00pm in the fellowship hall. Our meals pause for the summer from May 31st - August 9th and during the Christmas season from December 6th - January 10th. (We will resume Wednesday night dinners on January 10th at 6pm.)


Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

Join our adult's for Bible study and prayer meeting led by Pastor Brad in the fellowship hall from 6:00-7:00pm.

Children’s Bible Studies

After the children's and preschool choir we would love for you to join us for our children's Bible studies starting at 6:45 in the Children's building taught by our Children's Director and volunteers.

Men’s Bible Study

Come join the Men's Ministry Bible study on Wednesdays at 7:00pm down in the 600 hallway. We would love to see you there!